
Каталог вибіркових навчальних дисциплін

Innovation Enterpreneurship and Startups Leadership in DeepTech (DEEP InnoVation and ENTrepreneurship in HEIsproject, supported by European Institute of Innovation and Technology, European Comission)

Кафедра, яка викладає навчальну дисципліну:
Кафедра фінансів та цифрової економіки
Короткий опис навчальної дисципліни

Participation in international EU projects of the EIT level is a priority both for stakeholders (students, teachers, partners), and for the creation the European Economic Area and the development of innovative and start-up ecosystems.

The DEEP INVENTHEI project, within which the course will be taught, has opened up opportunities, ensuring equal access for all and realizing the ambitious goal of EIT to train skills of innovative entrepreneurship for 1 million people the by 2025.

Цілі та задачі навчальної дисципліни

Formation of a knowledge system on the functioning of innovation and startup ecosystems, and practical skills development in creating your own startup in DEEP TECH, its effective management to ensure leadership.

Результати навчання

understanding and joining the global innovation ecosystem and local startup ecosystem; ability to track checkpoints of the functionality of your own startup, understanding the essence and strategic prospects for the development of DEEP TECH; developed skills in creating vision, mission, values; knowledge and skills of team building and group dynamics management;

developed skills in problem identification, generation, validation of startup ideas, pivot for the development of own startup; understanding and using the LEAN methodology, taking into account the use of modern digital tools, skills on how to create a value proposition for yours customers; ability to logically build a business model to ensure leadership through scaling and opportunities for incubation, acceleration, grant and venture investment, developed pitching skills; understanding of the peculiarities of managing a DEEP TECH company that will grow out of yours own startups and tools for providing global leadership.

Перелік тем

1. Unique innovation and startup ecosystems.

2. Startups and their types: organizations, that change. Features and key characteristics. DEEP TECH

3. Visionship in innovative entrepreneurship.

4. Team: transformation rules in DEEP TECH.

5. Fundamentals of design and art-thinking: tools for identifying the problem, request and needs of the client.

6. Map of empathy and value proposition creation in LEAN startups. (Portrait of a client in digital economics.)

7. Business model, and pitching rules: face-to-face with venture capital investors.

8. Management of a DEEP TECH company that has grown out from an innovative startup. Global leadership.

Система оцінювання
50 points - module 1, 50 points - module 2; in particular, in according to completed tasks, including on the Learning Portal of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, startup

*Possibility of Certification within the Project

Форма контролю